Inner Bliss Terrarium Kit with Crystal Set

from $54.00


Reminiscing, inner awareness, and Gratitude are three ways you can evoke feelings of inner bliss at any time. Labradorite, Rhodonite, and Malachite are the three stones chosen to represent these three feelings to help you focus and take the time out to induce happiness within you.

Anticipate (Rainbow Moonstone) - Place the white stone in your hand and think about something you are looking forward to. Whether it is a goal, an important moment in life, or simply anything pleasurable to come. Visualize what you want that moment to look like, feel how you want it to feel, and savor the feeling of anticipation. Research has shown that anticipation can be a positive and powerful emotion that can help us live happier lives. Rainbow Moonstone is the chosen stone for this feeling because it can help guide your inner path and re-energize the mind and body.

Reminisce (Rhodonite) - Place the pink and black Rhodonite stone in your hand and think about a time in your past that brought you great joy. It could be when you achieved a goal, had a loving memorable moment, or simply a silly thing you or a friend did. Imagine yourself at that moment and feel the warmth, happiness, or laughter that it brought you. It is believed that reminiscing can help make life feel more meaningful, help us feel better about the present and more hopeful about our future. Rhodonite is the chosen stone for this feeling because it is a stone of the heart and can help with emotional healing from the past.

Gratitude (Malachite) - Place the green Malachite stone in your hand and feel the great energy and appreciation for everything that is good in your life. Your loved ones, friends, moments, overcoming life’s hurdles, or even just knowing that life is a gift and we are so fortunate to experience it and all the emotions that come with it. It is believed, gratitude can improve your health, relationships, and make you happier overall. Malachite is the chosen stone for this feeling because it is said to protect against negative energy, remove emotional blockages, and open the heart.

This includes everything you need to make a terrarium of your very own at home.

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  • Bubble Ball Vase (4”x5”x5:)


    We supply you with all materials needed to build your own terrarium: succulent soil, natural colored sand, charcoal, and one succulent. Our selection of succulents varies depending on availability, but we always select succulents that travel well, and that are easy for you to take home.


    We will also supply you with the following:

    • A detailed DIY open Terrarium instruction sheet

    • Moss, driftwood, colored sand, and crystal set

    Q: What should I do without garden tools?

    A: A spoon, wood craft stick and your creative hands will do magic!