New Beginnings Terrarium Kit with Crystal Set

from $54.00


Grey Moonstone - Nicknamed the “new moon stone” this is stone for new beginnings. It encourages hope and inspiration, allowing you to wish and aspire and flow in harmony with your dreams, and opens you to serendipity and synchronicity. It’s feminine energy and power can help heal and guide your inner path. Its glowing vitality can re-energize the mind and body, help you understand the purpose of change and aid in accepting the cycles in life. It has extra focus on the mystical side of the moonstone attributes.

Rose Quartz is known as the stone of the heart. Its energy can enhance love in virtually any situation. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worthy of love. It opens the heart to forgiveness, compassion for self and for others, and raises self-esteem. Rose Quartz eases guilt and balances emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace.

Labradorite - A stone of transformation. This majestic stone is said to stimulate your inner awareness, bringing you closer to discovering your true self and helping you become the person you are destined to be. Labradorite is also known as the most powerful protector of all stones, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies within. Also believed to protect against negativity and misfortunes.For thousands of years, ancient civilizations believed that the powers of crystals could release mental, physical and spiritual blockages, and that each crystal has unique properties and energies to aid different conditions.Today people use crystals and stones in many ways including in jewelry, carrying them in a pocket, using them in meditation or simply placing them in their surroundings.

This includes everything you need to make a terrarium of your very own at home.

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  • Bubble Ball Vase (4”x5”x5:)


    We supply you with all materials needed to build your own terrarium: succulent soil, natural colored sand, charcoal, and one succulent. Our selection of succulents varies depending on availability, but we always select succulents that travel well, and that are easy for you to take home.


    We will also supply you with the following:

    • A detailed DIY open Terrarium instruction sheet

    • Moss, driftwood, colored sand, and crystal set

    Q: What should I do without garden tools?

    A: A spoon, wood craft stick and your creative hands will do magic!